“I can help you Transform Your Life whether you are wanting to get out of a place of darkness and despair or feeling stuck…”

This video is intended for educational purposes only.

Always seek the guidance of your qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

Get your FREE copy of Secrets to the Powerful Mind-Body Connection

I work each day on five major area’s of life and in Secrets to the Powerful Mind-Body Connection. I describe in detail one of those area’s that I used to change my health and happiness. Are you ready to Transform your life? Take the next step! Subscribe now for your FREE guide.

Transform Your Life, You can RISE above anything!

Virginia Oman transforms people’s lives through her unique combination of skills as a licensed mental health therapist, life coach, personal trainer and wellness master. 

Transforming lives through the specialized knowledge of utilizing the incredible Mind-Body Connection, Positive Psychology, and helping individuals achieve demonstrated and measurable success in increasing their sense of well-being and happiness.

Here’s what clients are saying

Working with Virginia has completed changed my life. I began this journey with high levels of anxiety and I struggled to find happiness and contentment in my work and relationships. Virginia worked me through each step of addressing my underlying thought patterns and then rewriting my inner dialogue. I have greater self-confidence and excitement for life that I have never experienced before!

Molly F., North Carolina

Virginia, you’re the EXACT person I needed to find. I had counseling before but they never addressed all these important issues that you are. You’re opening my eyes to things I’ve never seen before!

Dorothy M., North Carolina

Transform Your Life Podcast – Archives

Our Most Vital Connection: The Journey to Our Inner Bond

Most of us think that the most important connection we have in our life is with our partner, or our child. Maybe even a special animal. But many of us fail to realize the most significant connection we have in our life is the one we have with ourselves. It is your connection with you. How you feel about yourself. I mean ow you REALLY feel deep inside.

September 2024

The Perilous Path of the People Pleaser: Navigating the Hidden Dangers

We, as women, are culturalized from birth to put our needs and desires on the back burner and always put others first. From the early classroom to the adult boardroom, the inclination to prioritize the needs and desires of others can become deeply ingrained within our psyche. While the intentions behind such actions may appear noble, the perilous path of the people pleaser is one fraught with hidden dangers that can wreak havoc on both mental well-being and personal fulfillment.

August 2024

Unleashing the Untapped Potential: The Power of Nutrition in Transforming Your Life

Are you really aware of the importance of nutrition in your life and can you easily explain why it is so essential? In the dynamic complexity of life, nutrition emerges as the unsung hero, wielding the power to reshape destinies and unlock the full potential of the human spirit.

July 2024

Crafting Your Destiny Unlocking the Code of Your Self Identity

As a seasoned Licensed Mental Health Therapist and Wellness and Life Coach with over 30 years of experience, I’ve witnessed the profound impact of self-identity on individual fulfillment and happiness. In this exploration, let’s delve into the transformative potential of our internal self-assigned identities and see their incredible power to shape our lives.

June 2024

The Silent Architects: How Values Shape the Blueprint of a Meaningful Existence

In this months video I describe the ever-evolving journey of self-discovery, identifying one’s values is definitely worth the time. Our values act just like a compass guiding us through the intricate maze of life.

May 2024

The Art of Perfect Timing: Harnessing the Spellbinding Charms of Magic Hour

There’s an astounding secret out there every day that I wasn’t aware of until recently and boy do I wish I had known about it years, even decades ago! That’s why I used the term “secret” because most people are unaware of it. I think it’s so wonderful, I want to make sure it’s not a secret to you and that you can experience it for yourself.

April 2024

Beyond Limits: The Transformative Force of Unwavering Belief

I’ve been asked many times how I have been able to successfully accomplish the extremely challenging feats in my life, so I thought I’d share this video “Beyond Limits: The Transformative Force of Unwavering Belief.”

March 2024

The Hidden Face of Valentine’s Day: Exploring the Flip Side

Okay. It’s February. And the thing February is most known for in American culture is Valentine’s Day. The day of honoring romantic love.

For people who just recently fell “in Love,” this can be a fun and enjoyable time of celebration. And that’s wonderful indeed.

February 2024

January Bliss: 7 Ways to Beat the Winter Blahs!

January Bliss: 7 Ways to Beat the Winter Blahs! – As a mental health therapist and life coach, I see a regular increase in depression during the winter months, especially for people who live in the cold areas of the world. I want to address this here and give useful suggestions so that you DON’T have to experience a case of the winter blahs.

January 2024

Festive Resilience: Your Toolkit for Emotional Wellness During Family Celebrations

The holiday season is meant to be a joyous time, but we all know that spending extended periods with family can sometimes be, well, challenging. Learn how to navigate tricky conversations, set boundaries, and maintain your mental well-being so you can truly savor the festivities without the stress.

December 2023 – Special Live Event

Ticking Clocks and Broken Dreams: The Tragic Danger of Procrastination

First of all, know this: Procrastination is not about ineffective time management. Most people make the mistake of trying to approach it that way, only to find themselves frustrated by the lack of success. It will never be tamed by using this approach. You might get some temporary help by applying new and fancy time management techniques (Franklin Covey made a fortune due to people attempting to solve procrastination this way). But it’s not going to be an antidote that will help you solve it long-term.

December 2023

Warning: Don’t Wait for Motivation to Show Up – Learn the Correct Formula and Get it Instantly!

As a Licensed Mental Health Therapist and Life Coach, I often see individuals set a desired goal and start to make headway on it but then become frustrated when they fizzle out on doing the work and therefore don’t achieve the results they are hoping for.

November 2023

Riding Against The Odds; A Tale of Courage and Determination

Riding Against The Odds; A Tale of Courage and Determination – is dedicated to those who, for whatever reason, have lost hope of ever being able to achieve their dream due to insurmountable challenges.

October 2023

Essential Lessons from the School of Life

In this video I share some of the things I wished I had known at age 17-40. Oh, I might have heard some of these pieces of advice along the way, but I certainly did not take many of them seriously, and I paid a major price for that. So this is my attempt to try to make sure my mistakes aren’t made by people of younger ages. If you are now thinking…”oh I don’t need to read this”…..I encourage you to think again. We are only given one life and it is very short. So it’s wise to do what you can to make it easier and more enjoyable along the way. Right?

September 2023

Is Your Mindset Making You Disabled?

Is Your Mindset Making You Disabled? – I’m a professional life coach with a focus on Mindset. I’m also a Licensed Mental Health Therapist, and over my 30-year career span, I’ve seen the results when a person’s negative mindset is controlling their life. It leads to depression, anxiety, and often a life wasted.

August 2023

The Power of Sound: How to Protect Your Sound Scape

Most of us are aware of protecting our valuable eyesight. We wear sunglasses for solar protection and go to the optometrist yearly. We hear the recommendations to limit the amount of violent images seen every day. By perhaps cutting back on watching the “news”. These things are important and make a definite difference in our overall health. But how often do we pay attention to what we are allowing ourselves to HEAR on a daily basis?

July 2023

The Happy Habit: Three Simple Practices for a Life of Joy

In this video, I want to give you three tools you can use every day to start this rewiring process in your brain.

The first one is something I actually implemented into my own life and the effects of doing it continuously have been phenomenal. It’s simple to do. It will sound silly and too simplistic but I’m here to say it really works.

June 2023

DO IT NOW! Messages From the Rocking Chair

We are amazing human beings. We have the power to create the kind of life we want and we have the power to determine how we feel at any moment of every day. That is an amazing amount of power and it is all within us. Yet, how many of us choose to ACT on this and harness this power for their happiness and wellbeing?

May 2023

YOU Can Rewire Your Brain for Happiness!

Let’s start with this question: Ever wonder why bad habits are SO hard to break and new ones seem very difficult to “install”? As a Licensed Mental Health Therapist and fellow human being…this had perplexed me as well. I thought I was caught up on all the new information regarding habits and how to best try to work with them. But very recently I learned a new piece of information that astounded me and certainly want to share it as it has such great significance for all of us.

April 2023

“Little t” vs “Big T” Which Trauma is More Toxic?

When most people see the word “trauma” related to mental health, they will either identify with it and want to know more, or they will immediately pass over it thinking that this word doesn’t apply to them. If you are a person in the latter category, I encourage you to watch this.

March 2023

Ashes To Flight: The True Story Of A Phoenix

This is the first video of my four part podcast series with Jana Short, award winning Mindset Coach and editor of Best Holistic Magazine.

In this series I share my story of being diagnosed with MS and going to a place of despair and how I overcame and rose out of the ashes.

February 2023

One way to instantly change our state toward increased happiness is to change what we focus on. Pay attention to what you’re thinking about and choose wisely. Simply put……garbage in, garbage out. If you focus on thoughts of negativity, research now shows, our brain being so incredibly compliant, will look for other negative thoughts for you and you will, if you don’t stop the cycle, tank your mood in a very short amount of time. And aside from making you feel horrible, it can actually make you think that that is in fact reality.

January 2023

What if you chose to go to a lecture because the scheduled speaker was a world class anthropologist and had just returned from a trip to Nepal where she was granted a meeting with a person rumored to be the wisest person on earth. After a long laborious trip high into the mountains, the anthropologist was ushered into a hut and sitting cross legged in a chair was a 100-year-old woman, reportedly the wisest guru still living. The anthropologist asked her this question: “what is the key to happiness and health?” The woman looked at her and said three words. The anthropologist carefully wrote them down and then when she got back home, she tried what the woman had said. She kept a log and recorded the data. The results she experienced were phenomenal and she was thrilled.

December 2022

What The Heck Are You Saying to Yourself?!!

As a licensed mental health therapist who has been practicing for over 30 years, I have had ample experience to discern what causes a person to have problematic depression and or anxiety in their life time. What I see the most at the root of many of these symptoms is negative self-statements (self-talk) that are so ingrained and so long-standing they are subconscious. They repeat in our head over and over throughout each and every day but we are unaware of them. In this video I discuss the three most common negative self statements people experience.

November 2022

Wellness and Motivational Coach

in Asheville, North Carolina


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